Above a man thanking you the donors! He says God bless you!

Please see the videos below and you are correct, not much text in this article. Please just look at some of the videos we have published over the last 6 weeks. All with the Ukrainian war in the center.

On April 25 Mayor speaks and thanks the donors.

April 14 Video from a partner in Kyiv

April 1 Refugees flowing in

March 27 Two kids and a dog

March 23 Visit a Star of Hope center in Romania, now a refugee center

March 21 The first trucks have arrived.

March 19 On the Moldavian border

March 7 on the Romanian border

15 eighteen wheelers loaded with goods and 2 ambulances have been delivered. Almost 12,000 refugees helped. 

We are accepting funds to deliver more food and needed items to Kyiv.

We are also accepting funds to assist our partners in Romania in helping refugees.

“People are still forced to flee their homes. Urgent needs arise for the most basic needs. It’s about food, water, clothes, medicines, and shelter. Our long-standing relationship with Ukraine and its people gives us unique opportunities to act quickly and reach out with targeted efforts,” says CEO Mark Presson.

HELP US HELP THEM – Your gift is needed – Click here and give now.